WhatsApp set to reveal a new AR feature for video calling

The new feature will enhance the experience of video calling

By Web Desk
July 27, 2024
WhatsApp logo illustration. — Reuters/File

WhatsApp is rolling out a new AR feature for video call effects and filters with its latest update through the Google Beta Program.

The new version — — is only available for beta testers for now.


WhatsApp users can try to access the AR feature by downloading the newest update from Google Play Store but only a few will get to use the features as they are going through the user testing stage.

With this new update, WhatsApp aims to make the visual experience of video calling much more interactive by allowing users to use facial filters and other effects on calls.

Some of the AR effects being used by the beta testers are “a touch-up tool” for smoothing facial appearance and “a low-light mode” to improve visibility in low or dim lighting.

Apart from these effects, WhatsApp has also rolled out a background editing tool through which users can change their backgrounds by blurring something they don’t want seen on video calls.

Through this feature, users can also opt for a change in background with different scenes and images available under the effect.

It can be expected that the background feature will also be released for desktop users as the blurring effect can help them out during meetings, interviews or any calls of a professional nature.
