‘Yemeni president escaped from Aden in Burqa’

Saudi journalist Faheem Al-Hamid talks to Hamid Mir in Geo programme Capital Talk

By our correspondents
April 21, 2015
ISLAMABAD: Faheem Al-Hamid, deputy editor in chief Saudi Gazette, the last journalist who interviewed Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi before escaping, reveals that the Yemeni president managed to escape in Burqa.
Iranians were dreaming of occupying the Mecca and Madina, but they couldn’t do that. Saudi Arabia saved the legitimacy and played a crucial role for maintaining peace in Yemen.Saudi Arabia has always been a peace-loving country, but if the war is imposed they will fight in the front lines.
Faheem Al-Hamid expressed these views while talking to renowned journalist Hamid Mir in Geo News programme ‘Capital Talk’. He said during the last interview, he found Mansur Hadi disturbed and worried, but on the other hand he was determined to continue fighting against the Houthis. The president of Yemen was very much concerned about the conspiracy organised by the Iranians, who were supporting the Houthis and supplying them arms for not only occupying the capital of Yemen, but also to control the whole region.
Saudi Arabia saved the legitimacy of Yemen and played an important role for maintaining peace and tranquility in Yemen.
Faheem Al-Hamid said the president gave him details how the Houthis played a dirty game against him. He said the Iranian government had signed an official aviation agreement with the Houthis, which was basically illegitimate and unjustified; according to the agreement, two flights were coming from Tehran to Sana’a and two from Sana’a to Tehran in one day. “These aviation flights were carrying weapons and ammunition and not flowers,” he added.
Faheem Al-Hamid said any threat posed to Saudi Arabia was threat to Arab-ul-Harman. “Religious values of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are same, as Saudi Arabia is hosting two holy Harams.” The Pakistani people say they should defend the two holy Harams as well.
Faheem Al-Hamid said there was a major connection between the holy


Harams and Yemen crisis, as Iranians wanted to occupy the Mecca and Madina, but they couldn’t do that. “Saudi Arabia is involved in the strong operation, and the Yemeni nation is abided by the Arab defense pact.” he maintained. He said Saudi Arabia was not a worrier but had always been peace-loving. Saudi Arabia has never been involved in any war, but Prince Saud Al-Faisal had categorically said if war drums were beaten, they would be in the front lines.
“Houthis and Iranians are not going to succeed in distorting the Yemeni security; Saudi Arabia is there to secure the legitimacy of Yemen.” he said, adding that Pakistan is theoretically and practically with the Saudi Arabia.
“We are asking Pakistani brothers to support us, come in one boat and show strength,” he said, adding after the Pakistani parliamentary resolution Saudi Arabia was going parallel in the political arena and looking forward to more support for Pakistan in future.
Replying to a question, Faheem Al-Hamid said Mansur Hadi was put under house arrest and was not even allowed to eat.
“The president had two circles of security; after the two layers of security failed, the last layer of his guards fought till the last moment and gave chance to the president for wearing veil (Burqa) and escape, as there was no other way to leave the place.”
Fahim Al-Hamid said he was satisfied that Pakistan will support Saudi Arabia in case of any danger.Senator Lt Gen (R) Abdul Qayyum and AVM (R) Shehzad Chaudhry said Pakistan should not involve itself in any military action in Yemen.Former ambassador Ashraf Jahangir Qazi said China wanted a political solution to the Yemen crisis that’s why Pakistan should try for a political settlement.
