Macron urges defence of democracy on state visit to Germany

“We forget too often that it´s a fight” to protect democracy, Macron said

May 27, 2024
French President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech at the Eurosatory defense and security tradeshow. —AFP/File

BERLIN: Emmanuel Macron began on Sunday the first state visit to Germany by a French president in a quarter-century, bringing a plea to defend democracy against nationalism at coming European Parliament elections.


Macron made his first stop a democracy festival in Berlin, where he warned of a “form of fascination for authoritarianism which is growing” in the two major EU nations.

“We forget too often that it´s a fight” to protect democracy, Macron said, accompanied by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

If nationalist parties had been in power in Europe in recent years, “history would not have been the same”, he said, pointing to decisions on the coronavirus pandemic or Russia´s invasion of Ukraine.
