Couple held for snatching mobile phones, purses from women

By Our Correspondent
May 27, 2024
A representational image of an arrested person. — AFP/File

Police on Sunday arrested a couple for their alleged involvement in snatching cell phones, bags and others valuables from women in Karachi.


The couple was arrested by the Landhi police. Police said the arrested couple were involved in a series of robberies targeting women. Police arrested them by tracing mobile phones. Police also claimed to have recovered 76 stolen bags, weapons, four mobile phones and ATM cards from the suspects’ possession.

The arrested couple were identified as Palwasha and Shaharyar. They used to ride a motorcycle and rob women at gunpoint, snatching their purses before fleeing. Footage has also emerged showing the couple snatching a purse from a woman in Landhi. Further investigations are under way.
