First Cyber Crime Facilitation Centre set up

By Our Correspondent
May 11, 2024
Inspector General Police (IGP) Punjab Dr Usman Anwar addressing an event on December 17, 2023. — Facebook/Punjab Police Pakistan

LAHORE: Police have established the first Cyber Crime Facilitation Centre. The centre will work as a pilot project at the office of DIG Investigations Lahore.


DSP Ahmad Usman will listen to the complaints at the centre from 9pm to 5am. The centre will gradually be replicated in other parts of the province after success and experience.

Five COPS honoured: IG Punjab Dr Usman Anwar has honoured five sub-inspectors of Punjab Police who have passed the CSS exam.

IG Punjab invited the five CSS qualified sub-inspectors along with their families to the central police office and awarded them honorary shields. Sub-Inspectors M Bilal Chandia, Awais Arshad, M Salal, Ahmad Hafeez and Lady Sub-Inspector Ummul Baneen are among the police officers who have cleared the CSS exam. All the five sub-inspectors have been selected in the Inland Services (Income Tax) group.
