LAHORE: The district administration, in its efforts to enforce the reduced prices of roti and naan at Rs16 and Rs20 respectively, imposed Rs400,000 fine on 311 violators and apprehended 45 individuals for flouting the regulations.
During the campaign, 2,297 roti and naan points were inspected and 122 cases were got registered besides issuing warning notices to various others over law violations. The enforcement action was led by assistant commissioners and price control magistrates, who conducted checks across the provincial capital.
Deputy Commissioner Rafia Haider told the media on Wednesday that 15 eateries were sealed and three apprehensions were made in Model Town, while four individuals were arrested and 15 fine challans were issued in tehsil City.
Similarly, Assistant Commissioner Cantt arrested four violators and registered cases against all of them, AC Raiwind sealed five restaurants in Johar Town besides issuing fine challans to 19 outlets, AC Shalimar arrested five violators in Baghbanpura and Darogawala areas. The DC warned that sealed tandoors and restaurants would be reopened after they promise implementing revised rates of roti and naan. Citizens are encouraged to report any discrepancies in roti and naan prices by calling the helpline 0800003245.