China indicates man executed for spying had sold secrets to US

China had given no details of the country Huang was accused of assisting

By Reuters
April 16, 2024
US and Chinese flags displayed outside a hotel in Beijing, China. — AFP/File

BEIJING: China indicated for the first time on Monday that a man executed for spying in 2016 had sold secrets to the United States.


In a video posted on Monday in a campaign to promote China’s success in combating foreign espionage, state broadcaster CCTV confirmed that Huang Yu had been executed in May 2016, a month after his conviction and death sentence were announced.

At the time, China had given no details of the country Huang was accused of assisting. In Monday’s video an announcer also made no explicit mention of the country, but images were shown of an American flag and the US Capitol building. The United States Embassy did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
