The great battle

By our correspondents
May 05, 2016


It is ironic to see billionaires reciting the poetry of revolutionaries and shedding tears for those who do not have even a tent to protect them against the cruel summer and clean water to quench their thirst from. In this battle of offshore accountholders, there will be many losers – prominent among them are the poor people and the ever-expanding columns of unemployed masses of this country. Western economies that are being rejuvenated by a steady flow of finances from corrupt countries like ours are the winners.

It does not matter which political party these offshore accountholders are affiliated with, or whether they belong to the civilian or uniformed bureaucracy, or traders enjoying tax amnesty schemes, or are members of religious parties, excelling in exploiting faith to get financial benefits, etc, they all have one thing in common – they have no stakes in this country.

Aneela Chandio

