
When it comes to fighting summer sweat, the struggle is real. Staying fresh in summers is not just about one or two things. There are several aspects of your lifestyle and habits that you have to alter if you want to look and feel fresh through the hot season. There’s your diet, sleep, your clothes and personal hygiene etc. Check out these smart ways to beat the heat.

By Sadaf Jabeen
April 26, 2016

When it comes to fighting summer sweat, the struggle is real. Staying fresh in summers is not just about one or two things. There are several aspects of your lifestyle and habits that you have to alter if you want to look and feel fresh through the hot season. There’s your diet, sleep, your clothes and personal hygiene etc. Check out these smart ways to beat the heat.

Take showers often:


One of the simplest ways to stay fresh is to take several cold showers during the day. It doesn’t cost a thing to stand under a cold shower for a few minutes before work. Don’t use soap - just let that glorious cold water soak into your skin and towel off.

Wash the heat away:

Make sure you always have a bottle of water at hand. Drink at least two litres of water through the day. Keep plastic bottles of water in the freezer; grab one when you are ready to go outside. As the ice melts, you will have a supply of cold water with you.

Say no to caffeine:

Don’t drink anything that dehydrates you: beverages containing caffeine like coffee are off the menu. Caffeine is actually a major sweat trigger. It stimulates the central nervous system, activating sweat glands. The more caffeine you will have, the more likely you will sweat.

Eat light meals:

Eating heavy, spicy meals is a strict no-no when it’s hot because it is just too taxing on your digestive system. So do yourself a favour and eat lighter meals during the hotter months - salads, soups, juices, fruit meals, lean meats are all wonderful, healthy summer food options. Fresh fruits, juices and salads are healthy foods and they beat the heat. Fresh watermelon or a piece of cucumber will work as both food and drink at once, giving you immediate refreshment. Yoghurt is a great way to get rid of heat from your body.

Talcum powder is your best friend:

Good old talcum powder is considered as girl’s best friend. Lightly dust loose powder on areas that tend to perspire, such as the décolletage and the back. A thin veil of cornstarch powder on your body and feet will absorb sweat and make you feel dry.

Bad odour - go away:

Nothing is a bigger turn off than body odour. The sad fact is, the heat of summer makes you perspire more than you usually do. Girls, don’t let smelly armpits and body odour keep your friends away from you. Aquatic, floral, oriental and fruity fragrances are ‘in’ this summer. Choose your favourite fragrance and be prepared to sport any event with confidence. Don’t just apply deodorant when you’re feeling sweaty and rushing out the door in the morning. Throw it into your purse and reapply after lunch or before you head out for shopping.

My precious perfume:

There are two ways in which perfume helps you stay fresh in summer. First, the cool spritz on your wrist, shoulder blades and neck is heaven in itself. Second, the fragrance uplifts your mood and that makes you feel fresher.

Get rid of body hair:

Sweat can, and does, collect in the hair on your body and make you feel yucky faster. You will also smell more if you have body hair. So shave, wax, use a depilatory or invest in laser hair removal - it will all help you to stay fresh in summers.

Use Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera has been used for years because of its special cooling effect that helps to lessen the effect of heat in summer. You can use it as a face pack, hair pack or simply consume it. It will keep your body cool from inside, in spite of the heat outside.

Wear lawn:

Lawn is the perfect fabric for your summer clothes. It is light, it comes in a range of colours to suit your summery mood, it is a very cooling fabric so it will prevent your body from over-heating and even if you do sweat, it will absorb perspiration and keep you fresh.

When stepping out:

Direct exposure to the sun, especially in summer, can cause blackening of the skin, freckles, pre-ageing wrinkles, age spots and skin rash. Make sure that you wear sunscreen, a large hat and a pair of sunglasses whenever you step outside. Wet tissues can be short-term solutions for such times; just make sure that you buy quality wet tissues.

Finally, use common sense. If the heat is intolerable, stay indoors when you can and avoid activities in direct sunlight or on hot asphalt surfaces.
