US Mail

I believe things are pretty much the same in all government schools in Sindh. So, as a responsible magazine, I think you should highlight this issue in Us...

By US Desk
January 26, 2024

A serious issue

Dear Ed,


My driver’s children attend a nearby government school. It’s a proper school with a nice building, and is quite big. There is a playground, too. However, the teachers are not serious about teaching. They have B. Ed degrees, so they should employ sound teaching methodologies but they don’t do so. They ask the monitor to keep the class quiet and spend most of their time in the staff room. At the time of inspection by education inspectors, they make lesson plans and coach the students properly beforehand.

I believe things are pretty much the same in all government schools in Sindh. So, as a responsible magazine, I think you should highlight this issue in Us. I hope someone takes notice of this and do something about making things right.

T. A. Khan, Karachi


Dear Editor,

Your magazine entertains us, enlightens us, and cheers us up; how about some guidance, now? Teenagers like me really need to focus more on constructive work - social services, volunteering, etc. How about letting us know about different organisations and centres (day cares, schools for special children, anything) in various areas, what services they require, and how we can help. I think you should start with Karachi, but please cover the entire country. Give us something more to live for other than the latest movie review or celeb interview.

Amna Ehsan, Karachi

Hey, Amna, we’d love to, so

keep a look out!

Dear Editor,

Us has always been a pleasure to read but with the addition of the serialized stories, it has become even more tempting. The recently concluded story, The Eid Engagement and Other Weddings was a treat to read, and I enjoyed it a lot. It’s time for another serial, methinks!

Rahila Hassan, Islamabad


Lubna Khalid


Sameen Amer

Us Magazine, 5th Floor, Al Rahman Building, I.I.Chundrr Road, Karachi, Pakistan.

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Word count for one page is 550-650; for two pages, 1000-1100; for three pages, 1500-1800
