Reasons why you should start drinking aloe vera juice

Aloe vera is know to have a plethora of benefits when used topically

By Marium Javed
January 22, 2024
Aloe vera has a host of benefits that can be boosted when consuming it internally

Aloe vera has long been touted as nature’s best offering to treat skin and hair.

While it is commonly understood that the clear, viscous gel can treat wounds, soothe sunburns and help with a dry scalp, a lesser-known way to derive benefits from the plant is by drinking it in the form of a juice.


Though extensive research is not done on the benefits of drinking aloe vera juice, its benefits are understood to be similar to using the plant topically.

Packed with loads of antioxidants, the humble plant boasts of vitamins A and C which help combat free radicals and reduce the risk of some illnesses like heart disease.

Additionally, aloe vera juice is noted to have an abundance of skincare benefits as it helps retain the skin’s moisture levels, boost collagen production and improve skin barrier function.

Furthermore, aloe vera juice can help those struggling with irritable bowel syndrome due to its natural anti-inflammatory properties as it is used as a supplement for those that cannot ease their symptoms through medication.

Precautions and side effects of aloe vera juice

While there are a host of benefits from consuming aloe vera juice, it is advised to exercise precaution.

As per experts, one should drink at most eight ounces of aloe vera juice per day.

If you find yourself struggling with getting used to the taste, you can easily dilute it in water or juice to mellow it out.

Ideally, it is recommended to drink it at least 30 minutes before a meal in order to derive the most benefits from it.

However, it is recommended to stop drinking aloe vera juice if you experience side effects like an upset stomach or diarrhea.

Due to the aloe latex present in the leaf, it can cause side-effects similar to that of a laxative, hence it is advised to consume it while exercising precaution.
