Diet, lifestyle changes to help you lose weight

Losing weight can be a difficult task, but small changes can help you hit your fitness goals

By Marium Javed
January 15, 2024
Effective weight loss takes into account a number of key factors

Losing weight can be a struggle as one needs to be wary of a number of factors like diet, exercise, sleep and more.

While it may be easy to shed the first few pounds through an intense regime, it is difficult to maintain a weight loss system that is effective for the long-term.


However, hope is not lost as there are a few hacks that can help speed up the process to ensure that you’re dropping the pounds and looking your best self.

Drop the processed foods

As simple as it sounds, skipping highly processed foods like chips, candy and cheese will put you in a better position to meet your targets as you will not consume extra sodium and sugar.

Instead, reaching out for other healthier options like whole grain crackers, kale chips, soups and more can make all the difference in helping you shed a few pounds.

Ideally, opting for foods in their most natural state like fruits and vegetables can give you the much needed nutrients and minerals to get your body going.

Ease off the alcohol

Experts suggest that removing alcohol from your diet can result in a plethora of benefits such as improved sleep, less hunger cravings and less fluid retention.

As a result, you will not only be better rested but you will be able keep your hunger in check and not risk ruining your metabolism with unnecessary food intake.

Up your protein and fiber intake

Increasing your protein and fiber intake will give more room to stabilise blood sugar levels as it keeps one feeling full for longer.

This essentially leads to less mindless grazing, helping one to stay focused on their diet goals.

Not only does it curb cravings, it helps build muscle, allowing you to hit your fitness goals easily.

Intermittent fasting

Eating at a specific time window is noted to bring an abundance of health benefits.

Generally, it is recommended that one fasts between 12 to 14 hours, ideally between dinner and breakfast.

It is noted to have fat burning benefits, which coupled with exercise, can helpone to drop the pounds.
