Unidentified people surround Bushra’s car outside Adiala

Car of Bushra Bibi, the wife of PTI Chairman Imran Khan, was surrounded and confronted by a group of unidentified people in front of Adiala jail

By Shakeel Anjum
November 28, 2023
This screenshot shows some people attacking the vehicle of PTI chief Imran Khan's wife Bushra Bibi outside Adiala Jail on Nov 27, 2023. —x/MTahirOFCL

RAWALPINDI: The car of Bushra Bibi, the wife of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Inaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan, was surrounded and confronted by a group of unidentified people in front of Adiala jail on Monday.


The former first lady had reached there to attend the court proceedings in Al-Qadir Trust case. The group members chanted slogans against Bushra Bibi. Imran Khan’s two sisters, Aleema Khan and Noreen Bibi, were also accompanying Bushra Bibi.

The PTI alleged the situation was created by powerful quarters to harass the PTI activists and the leadership as they had failed to suppress the PTI, adding that the unethical episode was a threat to politicians and democracy. The PTI claimed that one of the miscreants had been identified as a policeman of the Islamabad Police and the other was a labourer hired for Rs800 per hour.

According to the eyewitness, the unidentified individuals surrounded Bushra Bibi’s car, and chased it up to the Adiala jail gate. The motives behind the incident remained unclear. The incident raised concerns about the safety and security of political figures in the region.

“The incident has shaken not only those directly involved but also the wider political community. The fact that the aggressors remain unidentified adds a layer of uncertainty and apprehension to the situation. The incident is a stark reminder of the potential threats and challenges being faced by political figures and their families,” a PTI lawyer said after the incident.

A top officer of the Federal Capital Police, when contacted, denied the allegations levelled by the PTI that the Islamabad police were involved in the episode, saying that the Capital Police did not believe in becoming political party to any side.

An official, present outside the jail when the incident occurred, said it could not be ruled out that “the PTI itself staged the drama to create negative opinion about the establishment in the prevailing situation”. The area police have taken up the case to investigate the matter with the assistance of the intelligence agencies.
