PM interacts with King Charles III, British PM

PM Shehbaz interacted with King Charles III and British PM Sunak on sidelines of the meeting of other leaders of Commonwealth countries in London

By News Desk
May 06, 2023
PM Shehbaz meets his British counterpart Rishi Sunakon the sidelines of the meeting of other leaders of Commonwealth countries in London on May 5, 2023. PID

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif interacted with King Charles III and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on the sidelines of the meeting of other leaders of Commonwealth countries in London on Friday.


He felicitated both the British dignitaries for the excellent arrangements made for the elaborate two-day ceremonies, being held to celebrate the coronation of the new king. The PM also expressed deep appreciation for the UK’s generous assistance in the wake of the disastrous floods that struck Pakistan last year. He suggested that both countries needed to enhance the bilateral relations in various fields. In this regard, Shehbaz proposed establishment of a joint commission that would be headed by the leaders of the two countries.

King Charles III and the British PM also showed interest in further strengthening of bilateral relations between the two countries and praised the Pakistan community living in the UK for its role in development of that country.

Separately, PM Shehbaz Sharif attended a meeting of Commonwealth leaders in London on Friday and addressed them. He called upon the Commonwealth countries’ leaders to mark the accession of King Charles III as the dawn of a new era and the opening of new vistas and fresh avenues for the remarkable family of nations known as the Commonwealth.

The PM urged the leaders to re-imagine and reinvigorate the Commonwealth and infuse it with ever greater synergy and even stronger sense of purpose. The PM also spoke of his government’s commitment to equipping the Pakistani youth with the right kind of skill sets and opportunities. He added that his government was empowering women and mainstreaming the marginalised youth, religious and ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities and transgender community.

PM Shehbaz Sharif held a warm and cordial meeting with secretary general of Commonwealth of the Nations Ms Patricia Scotland on the sidelines of the Commonwealth leaders’ event that took place in London to welcome King Charles III in the latter’s capacity as the new head of the Commonwealth.

During their conversation, the PM briefed the Secretary General on how he envisaged re-imagining the Commonwealth in the light of the major challenges confronting the global community. He also assured the SG that Pakistan was keen to work closely with the member states and the SG to make the organisation more relevant and effective in areas such as climate change and enhancement of the role of the youth. In this context, the PM also informed the SG that Pakistan would host the tenth Commonwealth Youth Ministerial Meeting that had to be postponed on account of the unprecedented floods that had caused severe damage to the country’s economy and infrastructure. The PM also extended an invitation to the SG to undertake an official visit to Pakistan, which the SG assured him that she would do so at an early date.
