Rajkummar Rao and Sonam Kapoor once appeared together in an interview where Sonam talked about nepotism. That statement made her a subject of brutal trolling.
Talking to News 18 in a recent interview, he explained, "That video is edited in a way that it shows my reactions to other things. This had happened long back. I’m not someone to sit and think about it. It was in the moment. Sonam is one of the most kind-hearted girls I’ve met here. She’s so genuine. She’s always been there not just for me but for everyone too. She was putting her point across and I was putting mine.”
In that viral interview, Sonam said, "The downside to that is that a lot of them do not take you seriously because they think you are a baccha (kid). Someone's an uncle or something, so there is that professional element that just goes away (for star kids). Also, there is not much that grows under a banyan tree. If you are a son or daughter of someone who has been ridiculously successful, there is always going to be comparisons. To find your own path and identity is difficult."