K-pop group TXT’s Beomgyu discusses his love for his group and music

He went on to admit that he doesn’t listen to TXT’s songs

By Web Desk
March 14, 2023
He went on to admit that he doesn’t listen to TXT’s songs

Beomgyu from the K-pop group TXT sat down with the new issue of Marie Claire magazine where he discussed his love for music and his bandmates. He also discussed the group’s latest comeback called The Name Chapter: Temptation.

He brought up how music means everything to him, saying: “I really enjoy looking up music from before I was born. I’ll recall, ‘I think I heard something like this,’ or ‘I think it had lyrics like this,’ and if I go searching, sometimes I’ll find the song. That’s how I discovered ABBA’s and Air Supply’s music. That process is incredibly fun. On the other hand, I also write music and create sounds that don’t exist yet in the world, and that’s fun as well.”


He went on to admit that he doesn’t listen to TXT’s songs: “It makes me feel like I need to start practising our choreography. I’m always making or listening to music, but I want to separate my work and my rest.”

When asked what his main source of joy is these days, he revealed that it’s the other members: “These days, I think it’s the other members. Now that we’ve been with each other nearly every single day for seven years, we sometimes joke that we’ve had enough of each other. But then even when we have days off, we still get together and have fun eating and hanging out.”
