Charismatic and talented - Khaqan Shahnawaz

Something you learned early in your career which helped you become a better actor/model?

By Asif Khan
March 03, 2023


What does success mean to you?


Being content with life.

Something you learned early in your career which helped you become a better actor/model?

That no one would help me, until I help myself.

What is the most challenging thing about your career?

Keeping silent!

Do you have any professional training in acting? If not, how did you learn the craft?

I didn’t have any formal training. If you want to pursue acting, start observing how people act in their daily life. Learn from your surroundings. Oh, and watch a lot of TV and cinema!

Who are some of your role model actors/actresses, and what do you like about their work?

Everyone’s a role model for me; every person has something unique to teach you.

From all your roles/projects so far, which was the most meaningful to you, and why?

College Gate, an upcoming drama. It is meaningful to me because it was my first TV play and I got to work with a lot of my friends.

Do you believe good looks and connections are the only things that make a star?

I believe hard work and luck is what makes a star, but looks and connections also help.

How has social media changed things for you?

It made me popular and taught me how to be comfortable on camera.

How do you deal with self-doubt?

I rarely, if ever, find myself doubting my abilities but when I do, I just treat it like a challenge and make sure that I’m prepared fully. Not being afraid to fail also helps.

Three pieces of advice for aspiring actors

I’d honestly need them myself, but I think I can say for sure that every aspiring actor should move to Karachi.


Birthday & zodiac sign

16th November - Scorpio

The best thing about being a teenager was

Discovering new things and experiences.

The worst thing about being a teenager was

Not being mature enough.

I was always listening to


My favourite actors

Shah Rukh Khan and Brad Pitt

My favourite singer

Ali Zafar.

My favourite superhero


My favourite movie

Pulp Fiction.

My favourite book

The Return of the King.

My closet was full of

Never had a lot of clothes as a teenager, so it was never really full.

My friends were

Saad Firoz and Adil Ahmed.

What used to hurt me the most was

Betrayal. Still does, to this day.

I wish I had known then

That teenage should be spent doing what one wants to do as an adult.

Relations with family were

Great. Always were!

My favourite subject was

History and Geography.

My least favourite subject was;


I couldn’t stand

Bad odour coming from people.

My favourite food

Rice. Any form of rice.

My favourite hangout

Video game night. FIFA

My favourite sport was


5 things you couldn’t live without





Food (in that order)
