Safe City ‘Pukar-15’ working effectively

By Our crime correspondent
January 25, 2023

Islamabad: The capital police helpline ‘Pukar-15’ is continuously engaged in assisting the citizens, receiving thousands of calls on a daily basis and providing help to the citizens according to the nature of the call, including police, fire brigade, ambulance services,


CPO Safe City said that, 2,857 calls were received on ‘Pukar-15’ out of which 2,314 were fake and irrelevant to police, which becomes 81% of the total calls. He emphasised that 81% of the fake/unnecessary calls not only waste police time, but can also delay someone from accessing timely help in an emergency, which can lead to life-threatening.

In this regard, cases were filed against the citizens making fake calls on ‘Pukar-15’ in Sabzi Mandi police station. Citizens are requested that ‘Pukar-15’ is for your convenience and its impactful use is also your responsibility and as a responsible citizen discourage such elements who waste police time by making false reports or calls, he added.
