Imran out to destabilise country, says Fazl

By Shahid Hussain Yousafzai
November 25, 2022

TIMERGARA: Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Fazal (JUIF) chief Maulana Fazlur Rahman on Thursday accused Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan of attacking the defence line of Pakistan for his lust for power.


“Institutions have declared Imran Khan as a certified thief of the country and his dream of coming again to power would never come true,” he said while addressing a public gathering arranged by his party in memory of Maulana Qazi Abdul Salam at Talash.

Defending the federal government, the Maulana said the Pakistan Democratic Movement offered a major sacrifice in politics for the sake of the country by forming the government and later made tough decisions to save the sinking ship of the country’s economy. “It became possible only due to the hard work of the federal government and practical steps taken by the government that Pakistan came out of the FATF [Financial Action Task Force] grey list,” he said and added that steps were being taken to eliminate usury and introduce an interest-free economic system in the country.

Coming down hard on the PTI government, the JUIF chief said a conspiracy was hatched to destabilise the country’s political system which resulted in the collapse of the economy. The JUIF chief flayed Imran Khan and said the main objective of PTI’s long march was to destabilise the country and to root-out the strong values of Islam from the Pakhtun belt by promoting indecency in the society. “Current Azadi march is in fact a fun march,” Fazl said sarcastically.

He accused the PTI chief of harming the country every time.” First, he got postponed the visit of the Chinese president and he did it again recently when Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman was about to visit the country,” the JUIF chief explained.

The Maulana was critical of the politics practiced by Imran Khan and said he who takes frequent U-turns on his statements had no right to represent the nation.

JUIF central and provincial leaders Rashid Mahmood Soomro, Qazi Ayaz, Maulana Attaurrahman, Maulana Ataul Haq, Mufti Fazal Ghafoor, Muhammad Rahim Haqqani, Qazi Roohullah, Lower Dir district head Sirajuddin and others also spoke on the occasion.
