Five industrial units sealed for causing smog

October 23, 2022

LAHORE : The district administration sealed five industrial units and imposed Rs 270,000 fine on them for polluting air in the provincial capital.


The special teams took action against polluters under the supervision of Deputy Commissioner M Ali while carrying out inspections, here on Saturday.

The DC also got registered six FIRs against the industrial units and brick-kilns and sealed the MS Foundry Rasheedpura, Super Steels Ring Road, Naeem Steels Mehmood Booti, Hussain Attari Steel Mill and Tariq Steels at MS Road for emitting excessive smoke and polluting air.

He said that around 164 industrial units had been sealed and 62 vehicle had been impounded so far in the city. More than Rs20 million fine had also been imposed on the polluters, he added.

The deputy commissioner said that monitoring officers and patwaris had been directed to check industrial units under anti-smog campaign, adding that strict action was being taken against smoke-emitting industries and vehicles in the city.

He said that the local administration was further improving its system to check and control smog.

Farmers have been informed about ban on burning crop residue in the fields and strict action would be taken against violators.
